
CMRMC Update – October 2022

November 29, 2022

October 2022

  • The CMRMC is pleased to announce that Scott Wenger has joined the Board of Directors and will bring his extensive experience in business, government relations, and the arts to our exciting new Museum experience.

September 2022

  • We are very pleased to announce that the CMRMC has received Registered Charity status from the Canada Revenue Agency. This exciting development allows the CMRMC to issue tax receipts to all those who share our vision for a fresh and exciting new museum experience.

CMRMC Update – September 2021

September 16, 2021

September 2021

  • 18 short documentary videos and articles are added to the new Stories page of the website (NB: hotlink the word Stories?), with sample ‘Exhibits’ (more in-depth explorations of music genres and artists) coming soon!

August 2021

  • The lengthy and detailed work required for the Foundation’s CRA charitable status application is complete – and was submitted to the CRA on August 6th – marking the starting point for our ability to recognize contributors and contributions with charitable tax receipts once the application is fully approved. This is a huge step forward, and the team is very excited!

July 2021

  • The CMRMC Foundation board held its second formal meeting, and we’re excited to announce that Christine Rogerson has joined the Foundation’s board. Christine brings a wealth of experience and perspectives from the music and music festival industry. Check out the brief bios of the now 6-member board on our website.

CMRMC Update – June 2021

June 19, 2021

June-July 2021

  • New website pages and content, in the works since February, are now complete … including the incorporation of a sophisticated search engine for access the digital database of Ken’s collection. More exciting – presentation materials are now ready for the start of meeting with potential donors and supporters – and the current museum collection space has been streamlined and organized for the start of tours! This is truly something you have to see to understand its significance. Nothing short of impressive!

January-June 2021

  • With the Calgary, Alberta and the world in lockdown, progress has been a little slower than originally anticipated in these two quarters … but it has provided time for detailed reviews of the project timelines, finalization of the business plan and budgets … further community and stakeholder consultations, and most importantly, the lengthy and detailed work of putting together an application for CRA charitable status! Concept work on the proposed video continues.

December 2020

  • The new and improved website has been finalized and provides a dynamic and colourful overview of the project, its business case and the exciting potentials for the CMRMC as it moves ever-closer to its planned opening in 2022! Ideas for a promotional video are also under discussion – so watch for future announcements!

CMRMC Update – November 2020

November 20, 2020

November 2020

  • The CMRMC Foundation incorporation is now complete … and the board of directors held their founding meeting this month, formally adopting the Foundation’s bylaws and foundational resolutions appointing the corporation’s directors. We are also pleased to announce the addition of a new director – Patrick Johnston, an architect and professional DJ, bringing exciting new perspectives to the project.

October-November 2020

  • Lots of detailed work, consultations and analysis have gone into the building of the CMRMC’s Business Plan, including the establishment of a compelling value proposition and case for support, plus preliminary, prospective budgets and financials.

October 2020

  • Trademark and patent applications have been finalized and submitted in relation to the CMRMC name, logo and design. The team has also started looking at a range of different sites to garner ideas and identify requirements that will be needed in our evaluation of potential locations for the museum moving forward.

CMRMC Update – October 2020

October 17, 2020

September-October 2020

  • The CMRMC Foundation has submitted its application for incorporation, with its founding board of directors: Ken Murphy, Chair; Geoff Pradella, Vice Chair; Susan Elliott, Secretary; and Devan Cook, Treasurer. Check out the Our Team page for more details.

July-August 2020

  • The new and exciting branding and logo designs for CMRMC have been finalized – and work has begun on the production of project summaries, business plans, project timelines and programming ideas. Check out the new logo and branding on the website!

June-July 2020

  • The CMRMC Project Team has been assembled, and environment scans, consultations with industry and community stakeholders and research into similar museums and archives around the world demonstrate strong support for the feasibility of the project. Ken’s collection is also, by far, the largest and most comprehensive private collection of vinyl records and related artifacts in Canada!